No matter what stage you’re at, be supported and encouraged in exploring your call to go with others on a similar journey
What is Called to Go?
Every year Maurice and Rachel Nightingale host Called To Go, a gathering of people who sense a call to serve in a culture or nation not their own.
Over the years, Called to Go has helped people define their call, work through the practicalities, and lay down healthy relational, spiritual and lifestyle foundations for future steps.
Every year Called to Go has seen people gain greater clarity for the next steps in their journey, with some finding themselves packing their belongings and moving abroad even before the year has finished!
A teaching session at the Called to Go conference. Throughout the year training and support continues online, with local mentoring alongside.
The January conference is a time of worship, training, getting to know others and times of prayer and prophecy.
Some of the most valuable input is found through the prayers and prophetic input from the Called to Go community.
What does the year entail?
Called to Go Conference
Called to Go starts and ends with an in-person conference held in January. The next conference is 17-18 January 2025 - Ipswich, UK.
Register for the 2025 conference here.
February to the end of the year
The Called To Go year is a mix of training, mentoring, personal reflection and more! Click the drop downs below to see more details.
Register for the 2025 year here.
We would suggest coming along to the Called To Go conference as a way to start and end your Called To Go year. However, you can sign up to the year even if you can’t come to the conference. Or, if you’re unsure about joining the Called To Go year, the conference would be a great way to find out more, meet the team and discuss this further.
Following the conference, we gather online for 8 zoom sessions (every 4-6 weeks, usually on Tuesday evenings).
These are times of teaching, training and activations, plus time in groups supporting one another, praying and prophesying, and building relationships.
During our zoom sessions, we look at areas including:
Character & Relationships - Are you ready to go?
Calling & Prophecy - Getting clarity & hearing from God.
Course & Direction - Navigating change & the ups & downs.
Care & Support - How to look after yourself & build support in prayer and finance.
All are invited to receive personal mentoring based around Mike Frisby's book: 'Reaching the Nations', to help you dig deeper into the spiritual, relational, practical and personal aspects of clarifying your call and preparing to go.
Join a supportive community of fellow explorers to encourage and pray for you throughout the year
Receive opportunities to access and attend other conferences (Pioneer Conference) that will help you on your journey.
What are the costs involved?
Apart from the low-cost January conference, there are no fees. However, we may take up optional offerings during the year to support specific pioneering endeavours and to help future called to go pioneers.
Who is it for?
Clarify • Prepare • Go
Called to Go is for someone who:
…has a heart for a nation or people group - but perhaps isn’t clear on how to engage with it, or wants to learn how to start preparing practically
…feels called to go - but doesn’t have a specific nation or people group in mind
…is positioned to travel easily, or has a vocation or skills that gives them unique access to work in another nation, and wants to explore that more
…has a heart to plant or strengthen churches in other nations - but isn’t sure what that looks like practically
…carries prophetic words and promises about going to the nations, or a people group
It doesn’t matter if you are single or married; have children or don’t; are working, retired or studying… or anything in between! Called To Go is open to anyone; whether you’re just starting to explore your call or are well on your way.
How to get started
Register for the 2025 year
Fill in the form below to let us know you’re interested in joining the 2025 Called to Go cohort
Need more details?
Keep scrolling to find out more about the Called to Go year
Called to Go has made a huge difference in helping everyday people explore future steps in pioneering. Whatever form their call takes, it has helped them clarify details, make practical preparations and discover the next steps in their journeys. Here are a few stories from ‘Called-to-Goers’!
“We joined Called to Go in 2022 knowing where we were called to but facing mounting circumstances that were making the way forward unclear. Starting at the January launch and then in our regular online meetings we were able to share our story, gain wisdom and insight from others at all different stages, and receive prophecy and prayer. Incredibly, doors began to open, our circumstances changed, and halfway through the year we were joining the online meetings from the new city! It was surreal but brilliant, and being supported by our regular group built up our confidence and determination to do it.”
“Called To Go was the perfect support we needed as we explored and stepped into our call to move to Serbia. Meeting once a month, we learnt from others who had already dared to follow their call to the nations, had experienced people asking us questions about our call and how we act upon it and were surrounded by other people exploring their call, all at different stages of their journey. We were challenged, encouraged and supported throughout the year with Call to Go and have now been in Niš, Serbia for 4 months.”
“What we have loved about Called to Go is the sense of community. Pioneering can feel a lonely and frustrating pursuit at times, but being able to share your story, and gain encouragement of God’s faithfulness and provision from the stories of others, spurs you on to take your next step.
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”
- Hebrews 10:24 ESV”
“When we first realised that God was calling us to pioneer into East Germany we were really excited, but also found the prospect of going very daunting. To meet so many like-minded people on a similar journey was incredibly encouraging. Learning from other’s experiences, exploring together and praying for each other has been such a help so far. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us with this lovely community until we’ve put down roots in Chemnitz.”

Sign Up Now!
To register for this year long training & mentoring simply complete this form. Once you have registered we will review and then come back to you to confirm your place and the dates of all the sessions.
NOTE: Booking for the Conference (17-18 January 2025 - Hope Church, Ipswich, UK) requires a separate registration. You can register for the conference here.
Are you a church leader?
If you are aware of anyone within your church family who is sensing God is calling them to a nation other than their own - no matter how far they are on their journey - please let us know! We would love to partner with you to fan into flame their call to go.
Have questions?
If you have any questions, get in touch with the Called to Go Team via calledtogo@relationalmission.com