Introducing ID
a year-long church internship program designed to help you walk with Jesus into the adventures that he has for you.
Over the course of the year you'll be immersed in the life and mission of a local church, where you can serve in a wide variety of exciting ministries and be lovingly discipled. We also expose you to exciting missional opportunities with Relational Mission churches both in the UK and abroad.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
For anyone 18+.
Whether you’ve just finished college, graduated uni, retired or just considering a year doing something completely different, the ID internship could be the first step into a lifetime of adventure with Jesus.
The ID programme has four main components:
Training programme
Church placement
Personal study
Mission trip
Find out more on our website!
Matt Fell is the ID Course Director. He lives on the Cambridge Fens and regularly gets lost out there - but nevertheless enjoys the space to walk, pray and contemplate. He’s married to Laura, and they have three kids. As well as running the ID programme, Matt’s also writing his Ph.D. thesis on how we understand being made in the image of God in our modern scientific age. He likes running, tickling his kids, climbing trees and hipster craft ales!
The programme is run and administered by Revelation Church London. -
Details for course fees can be found on the ID website.
Don’t let cost stop you from a life-changing year - feel free to contact us if you’ve any concerns about finances!
Applications for 2023-24 are now open! Please apply through our website.
Upon application, IDers state a preference for which church they would like to be placed in. This might be their home church or another church in the Relational Mission/Newfrontiers family. There are exciting opportunities to do ID and serve across Europe and beyond!
Whilst most IDers will be based in the placement of their preference, some applicants will be offered placements that the ID team feel would stretch and bless them.
Here's how the application process works:
Fill in the application
State which church placement you'd like
The ID Director reviews applications and discusses with relevant church leaders
Placement is offered
Fees paid by the end of August 2023
Start September 2023
We recommend you discuss your application first with your church elders who will be happy to advise you. feel free to contact the team here.
Matt Fell runs the ID programme
ID students receive life-changing teaching
Also have fun and make lifelong friends on the way!
A safe place to step out and practice what you’re learning
The Team
Matt Fell (ID Course Director)
Matt lives on the Cambridge Fens. He regularly gets lost out there but nevertheless enjoys the space to walk, pray and contemplate. He’s married to Laura, and they have three kids.
Matt leads the Intentional Discipleship (ID) training programme for Relational Mission. He likes running, tickling his kids, climbing trees, and enjoys hipster craft ales.