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In 2014 we met at the King's Centre for our bi-annual Leadership conference.
Main Sessions (Video)
Main Session - Mike Betts
Landtakers (Part 1)
There's a new and exciting journey ahead of us into unfamiliar land. It will be a long journey, requiring faith and trust in God's call. As we break camp and follow God's lead, we will need a pioneering spirit and fresh thinking if we are to succeed. In this session we will look at how God wants us to respond to his call to build a church for our broken world and discover how he will help us.
Main Session - Mike Betts
Landtakers (Part 2)
The broken world we are engaging with needs us to be of robust character. We need to focus on being the right kind of people, rather than planning the right kind of strategies. So what kind of people do we need to be?
Main Session - Stef Liston
Ministers of Reconciliation in a Broken World
The ripples caused by rejecting a relationship with God are felt most keenly in the relational realm. The misunderstandings and fall-outs between parents, children, friends, siblings, colleagues, team-mates, pastors etc is excruciatingly painful, confusing and damaging to the soul. What a privilege to be called as ministers of reconciliation! Blessed are the peacemakers, said Jesus - they will be called sons of God.
Main Session - Richard Taylor
Sharing the Gospel in a broken world
Our broken world is full of adversity. It isn't enough just to talk about God's love; we need to show his love to those who donβt know him. We need to relate to those who have very little, but also to those who have everything. In this session, Richard will be presenting key points in how to share the Gospel in today's world, including church planting - one of the most effective forms of evangelism.
Main Session - Edward Buria
A prophetic church for a broken world
The time has arrived for the 22nd century church to become more prophetic in order to bring much needed healing to a broken world. What do we mean by 'prophetic'? A church that picks up what is on the heart of God and communicates this to with boldness, courage and faith; a church that is compassionate because it prophetically understands the problems of our world; a church that longs to see the kingdom of God come on earth as it is in Heaven.
Main Session - Richard Taylor
Revival fire touching a broken world
The Welsh Outpouring had a significant impact in and around Cwmbran. Victory Church experienced revival for six months; over 150,000 people walked through their doors and hundreds were saved and healed. As people in leadership we need to be open and willing for the Holy Spirit to move however he desires. Could you set aside your schedule for God to have his way in your community?
Interviews (Video)
Interview - Richard Taylor
Our broken world is full of adversity. It isn't enough just to talk about God's love; we need to show his love to those who donβt know him. We need to relate to those who have very little, but also to those who have everything. In this session, Richard will be presenting key points in how to share the Gospel in today's world, including church planting - one of the most effective forms of evangelism.
Main Session - Edward & Fridah Buria
Rob Tervet interviews Edward and Fridah Buria. Edward is the founder and senior pastor of Kambakia Christian Centre in Meru (Kenya). They speak about their journey connecting with the Newfrontiers network of churches, their work amongst the people of Kenya and all that God has been multiplying.
Main Session - Canadian Churches
Rob Tervet interviews leaders from across churches and pioneering situations in Canada at the Relational Mission Leadership Conference 2014. They speak about how they are overcoming the vast distance between their locations to connect and support one another in their work of sharing the gospel.