Sowing into Kingdom activity in India
How many chairs are there in your home?
If you had to pause for a moment before answering, if you had to mentally picture different rooms, if you wondered whether a sofa counted, and whether you should count it as one chair or three, you are better off than most people in Odisha.
In this rural region of India, many people are so poor that they own only one chair or one table. Unemployment is a huge issue, and the majority of people live below the poverty line.
Alongside the work of Edward Buria in Kenya, this year the Pathways from Poverty Christmas Appeal will help to empower people in Odisha to put themselves onto a pathway out of poverty.
Mike Betts spoke to Vinu Paul, the Newfrontiers leader in India to ask who he was working with and how our donations could help.
"We want to work with two groups of people," Vinu told him. "Those who have skills we want to empower to put that skill into action so they can earn money for their family and send their children to school.
"Those who don't have skills we want to empower to be trained so they are able to improve the conditions for themselves and their families.."
"This is a real Kingdom advance," he went on, "It doesn't just help a few individuals, but it will all contribute to bringing God's Kingdom into a dark place. What we are hoping is to change their lives, bring the gospel into their lives. Through that their lives will be transformed, their families will have a better life and through these men and women we will impact the community. Children will be educated, people will have hope, and a regular job with a regular income, so their lifestyle would improve, and with that we believe the gospel will go through into those lives."
We as a family have the opportunity to bring the hope of the gospel to this needy community. Your donation will help adults to find the training and opportunities they need to find regular work, enabling them to send their children to school and improve their options for the future.
“Thank you so much for the initiative you have taken to support the work we are doing here, and I want to encourage you that this is sowing into Kingdom activity. Thank you! - Vinu Paul”
Visit the Christmas Appeal 2017 page to learn more, and to see how to make your donation. Thank you so much for your generous investment into empowering hundreds of families to find a pathway from poverty.