Take a Step has launched

Being witnesses for Jesus, pointing to him with word, works and wonders, and inviting others into relationship with him - this is what we are all called to be and to do as his people.


For our vision to be filled, we need everyone to realise the role they have to play. Momentum is growing to see thousands of people come to know Christ as their Saviour regularly, to host weekly baptisms across our churches for new believers, and to see new churches planted and strengthened to the ends of the earth.

the journey to ‘Take a step’

Over recent years, "Couch to 5K" has become a popular running programme for beginners. We were inspired to come up with an evangelism equivalent, the "Take A Step" Initiative: ten weekly sessions made up of a short video alongside steps that anyone can attempt, that fit around your schedule and apply to your context.

What it will look like

The course has been designed to cover subjects like our identity in Christ, being people of peace, offering prayer - all the while learning simple, practical tools for sharing what Jesus has done for us.

It’s the perfect way to get started on the journey to sharing your faith regularly. To begin with, it’s FREE. There's no expectation to keep up the pace if you'd like to linger on one segment for longer. And once you’ve completed ten sessions there will be resources for discipleship to help you continue the journey.

You can join in as individuals, as small groups or even do it as a family.

first session - introduction

The series starts with a video from Mike Betts. Watch it below:

Continue with us

The following nine videos will be released weekly on the Take a Step page.

Bookmark the page and set a reminder in your calendars. Together we can witness.
