The Brees - Brussels, Belgium
Belgium has only been a country since 1830, when it was born out of revolution and established on a Catholic foundation. There is no tradition of a personal, living relationship with God.
From 2014, Steve and Bridget knew the Lord was calling them to church planting. When Stef Liston came to speak at Gateway Church Ashford and mentioned ‘Brussels’ both their ears pricked up - from across different sides of the room!
They wasted no time - they visited the city, made plans and, in 2018, left the UK to come to stay.
Praying for the city of Brussels
Pioneers from the beginning
Steve and Bridget met through YWAM in 1987, were married two years and now have two married daughters and two grandchildren - the start of a dynasty! They have always been motivated by the idea of wooing people to faith in Jesus through hospitality, true friendship and helping in time of need.
Their vision is to gather a gospel community of Belgians and to worship in French, English and Dutch; a Relational Mission community with a strong grounding in the Word, following the lead of the Holy Spirit.
These values have shone through in their pioneering planting ‘style’ - they regular go out into the streets, following the Holy Spirit’s promptings to approach people who cross their paths with prayer and to share the Gospel message with.
Where are you on the journey?
So far, they have seen God bring many specific ‘not-yet-Christians' their way who they have been able to feed, befriend and help, and He has given them opportunities to share the Gospel with them. They have recently been encouraged by one friend attending Alpha, and by the Lord speaking to them about expecting the unexpected in the ‘topsy turvy’ nature of this wonderful place.
Steve and Bridget praying in the streets
Prayer Points
Many people consider Belgium to be a spiritually dark place, but the Lord is here and working… the Brees see it every day!
We long to see many Belgian Christians filled with the Spirit and the Kingdom revealed here, and God has spoken to them about work that He is doing underground that will be brought into the light. So please pray with Steve and Bridget:
Pray for people to come and join us. People from the UK, from Europe; French and Dutch speakers; evangelists, pioneers - anyone ready for an adventure.
Pray for the salvation of friends and neighbours we’ve already met and for the people we have yet to meet. The Lord has spoken about meeting new people though hobbies and interest groups.
Pray also for Steve and Bridget. We have experienced the Lord sustaining us again and again, but we are ready to be part of a team.
Get in touch
You can contact Steve and Bridget at or via WhatsApp at +32477168608
You can also follow them on instagram: @rmbrussels_gospel_community
Finally - visit! There will be an opportunity to go, pray and see Brussels for yourself on 4-6th July 2022