The heart behind The Gathering
“One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them.”
Here are the recordings from The Gathering in November 2019. The theme of our time together was ‘The Courage to Rest’. After an evening of fun with each other on the Friday evening, we were blessed to be joined by Alan Palmer who led us in sessions focused on the topic of rest.
May 2019 resources
Here are the recordings from The Gathering in May 2019. The theme was Courageous Multiplication of Disciples.
Unfortunately Mike Betts’ main session, on Heroes and Mentors, was not recorded, but you can read a summary blog of the core message on our blog.
November 2018 Resources
170 leaders from within RM churches gathered in Norwich. The focus was on having #courage in our character, building from this summer's COURAGE conference.
We used the 'learning community' model used by the 3DM movement, as outlined in Mike Breen’s book ‘Building a Discipling Culture’. This meant we spent much of our time gathered around tables learning together and the talks were short and focused.
We were greatly encouraged by the growing culture of vulnerability and openness shown by everyone who attended. To protect the privacy of those who shared, testimonies have not been recorded.