Serving God's wider church: ELF Adventures
We were able to serve 40+ Christian leaders from all over Europe and beyond
For many years now, Relational Mission have been asked to run one of the many networks on offer to Christian leaders gathering at an international conference, the European Leadership Forum (ELF).
The team seeks to serve, build relationships and share the relational DNA that is the heartbeat of what we do. Becky joined the team for the first time this year - here’s some of her reflections.
When we were asked to go the European Leaders Forum (ELF) in Poland we knew we had to say yes but didn’t really know what we were going to. Little did we know that we would return with our hearts full of new friendships and our bellies aching from so much laughter!
God is building his church!
Serving leaders from all over the world was not only a privilege but also very humbling. To hear stories of how churches are being planted in their hundreds as far-reaching as India, as well as the many churches being planted in Poland itself, stirred faith and excitement about what God is doing.
We were reminded how creative God is as we listened to the different ways people are reaching out to those in their respective communities. Their methods ranged from teaching people to read and write, teaching life skills such as sewing, even gathering help from the community to tidy up local Jewish cemeteries with a barbecue to thank them at the end. Jesus didn’t use a one-model-fits-all approach when reaching the lost either: to the Samaritan woman at the well he asked for water, chatted to her and made her feel valued; to Zacchaeus he invited himself round for tea; and to Peter and Andrew he simply called them to ‘Come follow me!’ Likewise, we should be students of the people we are looking to reach and look to serve our communities as we bring the good news of Jesus and build church family.
Relational fruitfulness
And family is exactly what we are! The overriding theme of the week within our stream was relationship - after all, we are Relational Mission! Christianity is about a relationship with God and relationships with each other. We need each other to encourage, support and challenge us, and this was seen so beautifully throughout the week as we got to know new people, discussed difficult issues and prayed for each other. We were encouraged to think about who our spiritual fathers and mothers are and the important role they play in our lives. It did us good to fill our hearts with gratitude for those who have invested their love and time into us over the years - how privileged we are to be a part of such an amazing family, the church!
It wasn’t just all about the meetings but sharing meals together, going for walks, relaxing in the bar and collapsing in hysterical laughter over a game of ten pin bowling.
The ELF Adventure, in a beautiful country, Poland, with beautiful people, church family; it was such a blessing to be asked to go. The memories will remain and the friendships will grow and continue into the future. We think this may be just the beginning…
Becky Richards
Becky has been married to Andy for 26 years and they have two grown up daughters and a son-in-law. They are very excited to be expecting their first grandchild later this year. Andy is Lead Elder at The Bridge Church in St Ives, Cambridgeshire and Becky is a primary school teacher. Alongside their natural family they have a number of spiritual sons and daughters across the UK and further afield who they love to spend time with whenever they can.