Born out of a desire to evangelise the multi-linguistic, multicultural, international city of Brussels, 3:16@28 is a pop-up, prophetic art gallery that uses creative arts (specifically visual arts) to present the gospel in powerful ways. Now in its second year, the community is seeing God move in amazing ways!
Read MoreHospitality is often a much richer and more significant practice in countries from which international students come. Sadly, the cold British weather is often associated with a chilly reception felt by many arriving from overseas to the UK. How can Christians show them the hospitality of Jesus?
Read MoreChemnitz is a city with a fascinating history, but ore recently the city received new residents when the Weber family moved there in July 2023. In 2024 they invited anyone with a heart for God’s mission in the world generally, or Germany specifically, to come for a prayer weekend. Penny and James heard the call and were stirred by what they experience.
Read MoreWe couldn’t have imagined that Serbia would be our home (again) after nearly 16 years of living in England. Yet, God spoke clearly, and we were ready to follow His call no matter the cost. While all this was happening, Vlada and Sonja at Good News Church in Niš, Serbia, were praying for a couple to join their team.
Read MoreBesides being in a beautiful city with hot weather and fantastic food, I was re-envisioned that God is at work in a big way.
Read MoreUP School’s first intake of students hailed from all over the UK, as well as Germany and the USA, and September marked the first residential training weekend at The Church in Bassett Street, in London.
Read MoreWhat a remarkable year it's been! This October, Hafenkirche in Frankfurt celebrated one year in their new building in a city where space is limited for many reasons. It has been just one of the many ways this church family have enjoyed God’s kindness and. provision.
Read MoreI was encouraged by all the Lord is doing and stirred by the realisation that He still has so much more for His beautiful, glorious church. We still have a vast inheritance in Christ to fully embrace, and through sharing the gospel, we are called to lead the ransomed from every nation into their glorious inheritance in Him.
Read MoreJust like watching little ants carrying great loads on their backs, I have always wondered how my friends managed to juggle it all. Hard work is not easy, but seeing it in action and the fruit it produces reminded me that it pays off! This was just one of the lessons we learned on our trip to visit pioneering friends in Bolivia.
Read MoreOn Friday, August 23rd, 2024, my wife Claire and I dusted off the tent from the garage, squeezed all the camping equipment we could into the boot of the car, and, together with our two kids, crossed the border from Norfolk into Suffolk to join over 1,000 others at Trinity Park in Ipswich for the inaugural More Together Festival.
Read MoreOne young lady came up to a member of our team as the doors were opening one morning – the meeting hadn't even officially begun – and said, "Can I give my life to Jesus yet?"
Read MoreWhen you're willing to follow God wherever He leads, your plans might change! For Lillia and Johnny, time at last year's Newday caused them to start exploring a whole new direction for their ID internship.
Read MoreAfter several years of the gospel plant meeting together first on Zoom, then in a living room - years of seeing God grow us in heart and unity of purpose - we felt God propel us in a new direction. As we responded in obedience, God moved powerfully.
Read More“Spending a week in Seoul for Relational Mission’s inaugural Pacific Rim conference was quite the adventure!” Steve Hope shares his experiences of the event.
Read MoreLate September, we traveled to Niš, Serbia, to take part in a youth and young adults event with Good News Church!
Read MoreWhen we were asked to go the European Leaders Forum (ELF) in Poland we knew we had to say yes but didn’t really know what we were going to. Little did we know that we would return with our hearts full of new friendships and our bellies aching from so much laughter!
Read MoreHow could we, a small family of churches mostly bunched together in one corner of England, host a conference in Seoul, South Korea? How would it all work out? We weren’t sure, but we know NEVER to despise the day of small beginnings.
Read MorePeople had come with an expectancy to meet with God, and to be equipped in the prophetic, and they were not disappointed!
Read MoreThe atmosphere was full of excitement and anticipation as over eighty people, representing The Church in Bassett Street, Revelation Church London and the RM church plant in Tottenham, gathered to pray for an outpouring of the Spirit over the city of London.
Read MoreIn September 2017 three friends relocated from the London (UK) to Seoul (South Korea) to start a YouTube channel. What began as a Christ-centred journey into launching new careers in content creation has since blossomed into something bigger than they could have imagined.
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