Corporate prayer is like serving the devil an eviction notice

Imagine a thief who has broken into your house and is now claiming squatter’s rights. The intruder helps himself to the contents of your fridge and then sits on your sofa with his feet up, eating your food and drinking your best wine. He flicks through the channels on your TV and throws the rubbish on the floor. He’s not just behaving as if he owns the place, but as if no one owned the place. What arrogance!

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Your First Love

For our third instalment of Thoughts in a Time of Crisis, Mike Betts offers insights from the book of Revelation. In chapter 2, Jesus's words for the church in Ephesus are, "You have abandoned the love you had at first." How can we, in a crisis, hold fast to our first love?

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How can we support our communities as we emerge from Lockdown?

What do we do when things are not the same as they once were? Many of us will feel like we started to run a new race towards the end of March and have been sprinting ever since to adapt to our new world of social isolation and lockdown. Asking ourselves the questions of: How do we keep supporting vulnerable people in our church family? What do we do about the growing needs in our local community? What part is God calling us to play in it all?

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