The Podcast
Welcome to the Relational Mission – A Way of Life podcast.
In each episode, we discuss what it means to be a family of churches on mission together, with a vision to be globally fruitful, crossing all boundaries to reach the nations, make disciples and plant locally-led churches.
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Season 2: Word & Spirit series
Our most recent series explores the dynamics between the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God, covering everything from the biblical foundations of Word and Spirit, through to the applications for Christians in their day-to-day lives and how to pursue a healthy balance in our churches.
2x1 Word & Spirit: Introduction
What does a biblically-balanced approach to the Word and Spirit look like? What personal experiences do we have of each?
In the introduction to season 2, Adam Voke is joined by special guests Anna Goodman and Mike Betts to discuss the wider questions around the topic of the Word and Spirit; including where we can go too far one way or the other, personal experiences with the Holy Spirit, developing a hunger for the Word and good teaching, and more.
2x2 Word & Spirit: Jesus - Spirit and Truth
In this episode, we explore how Jesus is the embodiment of both Word and Spirit.
Adam Voke is joined by special guests Anna Goodman and Mike Betts to look at the person of Jesus, and what we can learn from the way in which he embodies both Word and Spirit.
2x4 Word & Spirit: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
In episode 4 Adam Voke, Anna Goodman and Mike Betts explore the baptism of the Spirit. What does the Bible say on the subject? How should that inform our response?
2x5 Word & Spirit: Spiritual Gifts
Episode 5 of our Word & Spirit series takes a deep dive into Spiritual Gifts... What are they, how can we access and use them, and what should we watch out for? If you want to dive in deeper, click here to listen to Mike Betts' teaching session on Spiritual Gifts.
Season 1: A Way of Life
In season one we unpack what it means to be part of a family of churches and the ‘way of life’ we seek to encourage in our local churches. Discussions are based around the book Relational Mission - A Way of Life, authored by Mike Betts.
1x1 Pilot: Introduction
What does it mean for relational mission to be a way of life for us, both individually, and as local churches? How is that expressed differently from one culture to the next - and is it anything new?
1x2 A Real Family
What does it mean for churches to look like families? How does that work practically? What impact does a ‘family’ paradigm have on the way we approach relationships and discipleship in churches?
1x3 Everyone A Witness
How can we foster and normalise evangelistic boldness in ourselves? What is the position of evangelists today, and how should Christians engage in bold, loving, everyday witnessing?
1x4 Raising Sons & Daughters
How can discipleship be done in a fruitful way? Should you compromise quality to make space for emerging gifts? Can we better make space for women leaders in church?
1x5 Church for a Broken World
Who are the 'poor' and what does it mean to empower them? Should Christians engage in politics? How do we look after the world knowing Jesus is returning to eventually make 'all things new'? Where's the line between loving people unconditionally and loving them to share the Gospel?
1x6 The Prayers of Many
Prayer is not for 'the experts'; but how do we lower the bar so that EVERY member of church is able to engage with prayer in a corporate setting?
1x7 Starting New Families
We want to see healthy, gospel-centred, multicultural expressions of church family planted into every nation in the world. Who do we send and how? What should we consider when planting cross-culturally? Are there times when we shouldn’t be looking to plant churches?
1x8 Compass but No Map
We want to inspire all believers to listen to the Holy Spirit and then act courageously and obediently. We discuss what it looks like to listen to the Holy Spirit and then respond courageously and obediently. How do we discern the Spirit's leading? How do we stay true to biblical revelation? What guiding spiritual principles can help us obey courageously?
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