Our Apostles
Mike Betts and his wife Sue are based in the UK. He regularly travels to speak and encourage local churches, but is also building strong relationships with leaders of church streams and networks worldwide.
As well as pioneering and planting new churches, the importance of ongoing care and support for existing church families is a key value for Relational Mission. Mike is particularly dedicated to helping local churches establish themselves in the core foundational truths of the Bible, to see them become healthy, multiplying families.
With that in mind, he desires to see revival reach UK shores again. Practically, he sees the ‘two-punch’ combination of personal evangelism and corporate prayer as crucial to that, and has written two books seeking to equip the local church in these endeavours: The Prayers of Many and Everyone a Witness. He has also written Relational Mission: A Way of Life, a book that is key to shaping our agenda for the outworking of our mission. It laid an essential foundation in our early days, forming and expressing the features of our ‘way of life’ as a family of churches. The book is available here, and we have also released a podcast exploring themes of the book which you can listen to here.
Maurice Nightingale is on the leadership team at Hope Church Ipswich, but travels regularly with his wife Rachel to strengthen churches in pioneering situations across Europe, encouraging and helping them to embody RM values of church expression.
They also head up Called to Go, a year-long incubation programme for those with a desire to pioneer in foreign cultural contexts.
Maurice is particularly dedicated to seeing every church family equipped and released to express RM values within their individual cultural context and language. To that end, he seeks to see more and more training and resources translated and delivered in different languages.
You can follow Maurice on twitter.
Stef Liston lives in London with his family, and is on the eldership team at Revelation Church London.
He heads up training within Relational Mission, supporting and encouraging our training initiatives: ID, LEAD and Shepherd. We are convinced that, to see God’s kingdom increase across the globe, we need to see new leaders regularly raised up and released from within our ranks into all spheres of life. Through these training programmes we seek to raise up sons and daughters who are shaped by the Word and committed to pursuing the cause of Christ wherever God calls them.
Alongside training, Stef looks to lend pioneering momentum to church planting on a UK and global level, regularly traveling to encourage individuals and groups seeking to plant churches with evangelism at the heart.
He has also authored a number of books: Gender Quality, Just Like Us, When Two Become One and He Was and is and is to Come.
Follow Stef on twitter.
Wider Team
Community Leaders
Since 2019 many Relational Mission churches have been gathering together in smaller groups called Relational Mission Communities. Each Community has a leader who, often with a team, serves these churches as they encourage one another and engage in shared mission. Find out more here.
There are numerous men and women who serve as delegated ministries assisting the apostles, visiting churches or church plants to encourage them, and overseeing and administrating various initiatives and activities that serve the churches.
Relational Mission is served by a team of Trustees: Jon Beardon (chair), Stuart Jones, Ruth Oyeniyi, Lizzie Rogers Bob Souster and Rob Williams. Find out more about our governance here.